Delegates from Algeria, Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan and the USA attended the various activities that had been programmed for this UIB Congress, starting on September 16th.
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The four UIB Working Commissions (Vocational Training; Economy and Social Policy; Organisation and Marketing and Publicity) held their meetings one after the other, thus allowing all attendees wishing to take part in them to do so. The conclusions of the meetings were to be proposed to the UIB Presidium and then to the Congress.
A historical meeting of both the Presidium of the UIB and the Board of the International Union of Confectioners and Pastry and Ice-cream Makers (UIPCG) had been scheduled in the evening. There an agreement was reached between the two Executive Bodies of both International Unions to propose to each of their respective highest Governance Bodies a common letter of intent in order to approve the start of a merger UIB/UIPCG as from July 1st, 2013, under the name UIBC, after the dissolution of the two existing Unions and the bringing together of their assets.
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[/row]Delegierte aus Algerien, Australien, Brasilien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Iran, Irland, Italien, Luxemburg, Mexiko, Marokko, Niederlanden, Neuseeland, Österreich, Polen, Rumänien, Slowakei, Schweden, Schweiz, Spanien, Taiwan, Ungarn und den USA nahmen an den verschiedenen Kongress-Meetings am 16. und 17. September 2012 teil.
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Die vier Arbeitskommissionen der UIB (Ausbildung, Wirtschaft und Sozialwesen, Organisation, Marketing und Werbung) hielten ihre Sitzungen nacheinander im Laufe des 16. September ab, was den Teilnehmern erlaubte, bei Wunsch in allen Meetings mitzuarbeiten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Sitzungen wurden zunächst dem Präsidium und später dem Kongress zur Abstimmung vorgelegt.
Ein historisches Meeting zwischen dem Präsidium der UIB und dem Vorstand der Internationalen Union der Konditoren und Eiskremhersteller (UIPCG) war für den Abend vorgesehen. Dabei wurde eine Übereinkunft zwischen den führenden Gremien der beiden Internationalen Unionen erreicht, ihren jeweiligen Führungsorganen eine gemeinsame Absichtserklärung vorzuschlagen, um den Beginn einer Fusion zwischen UIB und UIPCG unter dem Namen UIBC ab dem 1. Juli 2013 zuzustimmen, nach Auflösung der beiden bestehenden Unionen und Zusammenführung ihrer Vermögenswerte.
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[/row]Delegados de Alemania, Argelia, Australia, Austria, Brasil, China, Dinamarca, EE.UU., Eslovaquia, España, Finlandia, Francia, Grecia, Hungría, Irán, Irlanda, Italia, Luxemburgo, México, Marruecos, Países Bajos, Nueva Zelanda, Polonia, Rumanía, Suecia, Suiza y Taiwan asistieron a las varias actividades programadas para este Congreso de la UIB, que empezó el 16 de Septiembre.
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Las cuatro Comisiones de Trabajo de la UIB (Formación Profesional, Economía y Política Social, Organización, Marketing y Publicidad) celebraron sus reuniones de forma consecutiva, lo cual permitió a aquellos asistentes que lo deseaban participar en todas. Las conclusions de las reuniones se propusieron al Presidium de la UIB y después al Congreso.
Un encuentro histórico entre el Presidium de la UIB y la Junta Directiva de la Unión Internacional de Pasteleros y Fabricantes de Helados (UIPCG) se había programado para la tarde. Se llegó a un acuerdo entre los dos órganos ejecutivos de ambas Uniones Internacionales de proponer cada uno a sus máximos órganos directivos una declaración conjunta de intenciones para iniciar la fusion entre UIB y UIPCG a partir del 1 de Julio de 2013, bajo la denominación UIBC, después de la disolución de las dos Uniones existentes y la integración de sus activos.
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[/row]Delegates from Algeria, Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan and the USA attended the various activities that had been programmed for this UIB Congress, starting on September 16th.
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The four UIB Working Commissions (Vocational Training; Economy and Social Policy; Organisation and Marketing and Publicity) held their meetings one after the other, thus allowing all attendees wishing to take part in them to do so. The conclusions of the meetings were to be proposed to the UIB Presidium and then to the Congress.
A historical meeting of both the Presidium of the UIB and the Board of the International Union of Confectioners and Pastry and Ice-cream Makers (UIPCG) had been scheduled in the evening. There an agreement was reached between the two Executive Bodies of both International Unions to propose to each of their respective highest Governance Bodies a common letter of intent in order to approve the start of a merger UIB/UIPCG as from July 1st, 2013, under the name UIBC, after the dissolution of the two existing Unions and the bringing together of their assets.