Further to the invitation made by the Polish Federation of Bakers, Delegates from Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and CIPAN (representing Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela) have met in Poznan (Poland), to take part in the annual Congress meeting of the International Union of Bakers and Bakers-Confectioners (UIB). The meeting coincided with the Exhibitions BAKEPOL, POLAGRA-TECH, GASTRO TRENDY and POLAGRA FOOD, and was held in the MTP.
Mr. Andrzej Szydłowski, from Gdànsk, former President of UIB and of the Polish Federation of Bakers, was presented the first ever given UIB Award “Baker of the Year”. This Award was created in order to honour an outstanding Baker, every year, at world level and is the most important Prize that the Bakery Sector worldwide can offer to a Baker.
The Congress confirmed the admission of the National Federations of Bakers from Algeria, Australia, Israel and Slovakia as new UIB members.
An overview of the evolution of some key economic figures concerning the bakery business was discussed and put in common, as well as a summary of the bread promotion activities carried out in every country, especially the ones aimed at celebrating the World Day of Bread, next October 16th.
The new rules for the International Bakery Competitions, as well as the contents of the International Professional Certificate were discussed and then adopted. The International Exchange Programme, aimed at allowing young bakers to practice in bakeries working in foreign countries, will be promoted in all member countries.
It was also agreed that UIB start negotiations with the International Union of Confectioners (UIPCG), in order to analyze the possibilities to work together and, eventually, become a joint Organization.
A proposal was made to develop two mobile bakeries in order to be able to provide bread to populations undergoing catastrophic situations, such as the produced by earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. It will be coordinated through the UN Agencies concerned.
It was also approved that the first UIB “Honorary Award”, aimed at rewarding, either a person or an Institution, that has shown merit in his or its work for the benefit of bakers worldwide, will be awarded to Mr. John DALLI, EU Commissioner for Health & Consumer Policy. Mr. DALLI belongs to a family of bakers in Malta.
On the other hand, Hans Nadler, from San Antonio (Texas) will be awarded the “Baker of the Year 2011” Prize, to be presented next year.
The current UIB Presidium was re-elected for a period of two years. Its members are:
President: Peter Becker, Germany
– Lorenzo Alonso, Spain
– Boldizsár Ilonka, Hungary
– Kaspar Sutter, Switzerland
– Christian Vabret, France
– Roberto Núñez (Subst: Antonio Arias), Delegates of CIPAN
Treasurer: Henri Wagener, Luxembourg
The members present were lectured on the topic: “Ensuring fair competition for all bakeries”, by Mr. Jarosław Fidala, from the Warsaw Office of ALLEN&OVERY. A report on the Polish Bakery Sector, by Mr. Henryk Piesiewicz, was also presented.
Finally, it was agreed that the next annual Congress be held in Venice (Italy), on October 2011.
The UIB Delegates present in Poznan thanked President Stanisław BUTKA and all his team of the Polish Federation of Bakers, for the welcome offered in this beautiful city and for the organization that made so efficient and pleasant this Congress meeting.Auf die Einladung des polnischen Bäckerverbandes hin trafen sich Delegierte aus Deutschland, Dänemark, Finnland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Israel, Italien, Luxemburg, Polen, Slowakei, Spanien, Schweden, der Schweiz, Ungarn und CIPAN (Vertreter für Argentinien, Brasilien , Chile, Mexiko, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay und Venezuela) in Posnan (Polen), um an der jährlichen Tagung des Kongresses des Internationalen Verbandes der Bäcker und Konditoren (UIB) teilzunehmen. Das Treffen fiel mit den Ausstellungen BAKEPOL, POLAGRA-TECH, GASTRO TRENDY und POLAGRA FOOD zusammen und fand auf dem MTP-Messegelände statt.